Lansdowne Green Tenants & Residents Association
We are a group of residents living on Lansdowne Green forming a committee to represent your views and needs.
Over the years LGTRA members have assisted with raising the standards of services provided on Lansdowne Green including gardening , cleaning and security.
Membership is open to any interested person living on Lansdowne Green over the age of 18.
We hold open meetings for our residents to attend and raise queries, issues or things they'd like the LGTRA to do. The next Open Meeting will be November 2024 Look out for info nearer the time.
We hold smaller Committee Meetings every last Thursday of the month when there are no Open Meetings scheduled. These meetings allow the elected committee members to progress actions that residents have raised. Please contact your block representative or the LGTRA secretary if you'd like an item to be on the agenda for discussion.
We maintain an issues and actions log to capture items that have been raised with the housing association on behalf of residents. We ask the housing association to provide update on progress at our monthly committee meetings.
Below are some of the questions you have raised with Southern Housing at our meetings. You may find the responses helpful to know. Please contact us if you have any other questions to raise via
Emergency repairs - 6hrs to attend and make safe, Routine repairs - 21 Days, Urgent repairs - 5 Days
Lambeth Council are responsible for emptying dog bins along with the general and recyclable refuse.
All street lights were repaired in May 2022. If there are any street lights that are not working please raise a call with Southern Housing and/or contact the LGTRA with the street lamp number found on the lamp post.
If anyone wants to put in an electrical vehicle charging point they can do this via Southern Housing's home improvements scheme. It’s not something Southern Housing is looking at doing at the moment. Southern Housing will check with Lambeth if they have any schemes which will install charging points.
Cyclical decorations should be done every 7 years. The next cyclical decoration for Lansdowne Green will start in April 2023 onwards. All residents will be informed prior to the start on site.
The CCTV contract is with Siemens. They perform audits on the CCTV to ensure it is in working order. Their last checks were in October 2021. A yearly check is scheduled.
One of the most requested items that the LGTRA are asked to assist with are repairs and the general upkeep of Lansdowne Green. We discuss and pursue the communal repairs that impact all residents on Lansdowne Green, for example, we chased the repair of the garage roof that had blown off during the storm and was causing obstruction and we have chased the repair of the communal lights. We escalate these repairs to Southern Housing and keep residents informed on progress through Open Meetings and the Newsletters.
If you spot an issue on the estate please assist by reporting it to Southern Housing initially and then forwarding the reference number to us so that we may escalate and track the issue where required.
If you have a repair that impacts your own flat then you must report this to Southern Housing yourself in the first instance. This ensures that there is a record on Southern Housing's system regarding your repair and you should receive a reference number. If your repair has not been completed within the time specified by Southern Housing for the type of repair then launch a formal complaint with Southern Housing. The LGTRA are happy to assist at this point where we can however the procedure must be followed first by you raising the repair and complaint with Southern Housing.
Tel: 0800 121 6060
The large community hall accommodates up to 60 people and can be hired for events on Saturdays between 1pm - 10pm and by groups during the week at various times. We also have the Family Centre which is a smaller meeting space for up to 20 people.
Residents can take advantage of the discounted hire rate of £20 per hour ( £30 per hour for non-residents). Security deposit may apply.
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